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Heavy Rainfall Warning No. 1 & 2

Heavy Rainfall Warning No. 1 #MIN_PRSD
Issued at 5:30 AM, Monday, 24 January 2022
Weather System: Trough of Low Pressure Area/ Wind Convergence YELLOW WARNING LEVEL: #SurigaodelSur, #AgusandelSur, #DavaoOriental, #DavaodeOro •FLOODING is POSSIBLE especially in low lying areas and landslides in mountainous areas.
Meanwhile, light to moderate to at times heavy #rains are being experienced over #AgusandelNorte, #SurigaodelNorte, #DinagatIs., #DavaoOccidental, #DavaodelNorte, #DavaoCity, #Bukidnon , #MisamisOriental (Binuangan, Balingoan, Sugbongcogon,Kinoguitan, Talisayan, Medina,Claveria, Gingoog, Magsaysay), #CamiguinIs., #DinagatIs., #Sarangani, #NorthCotabato (Arakan, Magpet, Makilala), #SouthCotabato (GeneralSantos, Polomolok, t'BOLI)and may affect nearby areas.
The public and the disaster risk reduction and management council concerned are advised to take appropriate actions, MONITOR the weather condition and watch for the next advisory to be issued at 8:30 AM today.

Heavy Rainfall Warning No. 2 #MIN_PRSD
Issued at 8:30 AM, Monday, 24 January 2022
Weather System: Trough of Low Pressure Area/ Wind Convergence YELLOW WARNING LEVEL: #SurigaodelNorte, #AgusandelNorte, #AgusandelSur, #DavaodelNorte, #DinagatIsland

•FLOODING is POSSIBLE especially in low lying areas and landslides in mountainous areas. Meanwhile, light to moderate to at times heavy #rains are being experienced over #DavaoOccidental, #DavaodelSur, #DavaoCity, #Bukidnon , #MisamisOriental #CamiguinIs, #SultanKudarat, #NorthCotabato, #LanaodelNorte, #LanaodelSur and may affect nearby areas.

The public and the disaster risk reduction and management council concerned are advised to take appropriate actions, MONITOR the weather condition and watch for the next advisory to be issued at 11:30 AM today. For more information and queries, please call telephone number (088) 555-0485 or log on to